
Our Nebraska Whiplash Lawyers Can Help if Your Injury Causes Chronic Pain 

Whiplash injuries are generally treatable. But, in some circumstances, they’re serious enough to cause long-lasting, even debilitating, pain. The Nebraska whiplash lawyers at Beck & Beck will help you understand what to do if you’re experiencing ongoing pain as a result of a car accident-related whiplash injury. You shouldn’t have to continuously suffer because of someone else’s negligence. Our qualified Nebraska car accident lawyers will work with you in an effort to get the compensation you deserve. 

Even Mild Whiplash Injuries Can Potentially Have a Long-Term Impact 

Whiplash—referred to in medical terms as cervical acceleration-deceleration (CAD) syndrome—is a common car accident injury. It’s especially prevalent in rear-end and side-impact collisions but also occurs in other types of wrecks. It’s the result of sudden force that causes your neck to move rapidly forward and then backward (or vice versa). The type and severity of whiplash and whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) caused by auto accidents varies greatly, and in some situations cause chronic pain that lingers months or even years after the incident.

Even mild whiplash injuries may have repercussions that either don’t show up immediately or lead to chronic pain, so it’s important to get a thorough medical exam after your crash so, if you suffer ongoing pain, our Nebraska whiplash lawyers can work with you to determine if the motorist who caused your accident is responsible for covering your injury compensation.     

Types of Chronic Pain and Disorders Associated With Whiplash Injuries 

Many people are surprised to learn that whiplash or WAD injuries actually involve many parts of the body, including your:

  • Arms
  • Head and face
  • Neck and shoulders
  • Spinal cord and back

Because of the extreme force of the accident, you might also suffer additional complications with your bones, muscles, soft tissues, and neurological systems. This is why you simply can’t walk away rubbing your neck after a crash. There are multiple types of chronic pain and conditions as a result of accident-related whiplash, including:  

  • Headaches 
  • Facial or jaw pain 
  • Pain and stiffness in the neck and/or shoulders
  • Pain in the upper and/or lower back 
  • Lack of flexibility or limited range of motion in your neck, shoulders, and back
  • Problems with nerves in the hands, arms, and legs, such as weakness, numbness, and other issues
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or blurred vision 
  • Vertigo or dizziness
  • Difficulty in chewing, swallowing, or talking 
  • Cognitive issues such as memory problems or difficulty concentrating
  • Vertebrae misalignment
  • Degenerative disc disease 
  • Mental health difficulties, including depression and anxiety 
  • Irritability or other personality changes 
  • Difficulty sleeping 

Practical Steps to Take if You’re Experiencing Ongoing WAD Pain

If you feel your chronic pain is because of the injuries you suffered in a vehicle crash, you have rights. Here’s what we recommend you do to start a personal injury claim:  

  • Contact a qualified Omaha whiplash attorney to help you fight for fair compensation and recover costs associated with your injury. 
  • Make sure to get immediate medical care and attend all appointments, including physical therapy or follow-ups.
  • Talk to your doctor about necessary medications or specialized rehabilitation.
  • Adapt or modify activities as advised by your doctor.
  • Keep track of your appointments and all related medical expenses.  
  • Help your car accident attorney by documenting the problems your whiplash or WAD is causing, including time off of work, limited mobility, and other issues. 

How a Nebraska Whiplash Attorney Values Your Claim 

The financial impact of chronic pain from a whiplash injury is rather in-depth, but hiring an experienced car accident attorney will help. A per diem, multiplier, or another formula may be used to value chronic pain injuries associated with the incident, assessing factors such as: 

  • The severity of your injury
  • The long-term effects of the injury, including temporary, partial, or total disability  
  • Number of liable parties
  • Evidence against the at-fault driver(s)
  • Insurance policy coverage
  • Calculation of lost wages 

You may be eligible to recover car accident injury damages including, but not limited to:

  • Medical costs and related care
  • Lost wages, which we estimate to include past income and the impact on future earning potential 
  • Physical and mental pain and suffering
  • Other economic and non-economic losses 

Some factors may complicate how whiplash chronic pain cases are valued, such as any preexisting conditions, a lack of evidence, or a failure to follow medical advice. But with our skilled attorneys by your side, you learn how to understand the legal process and fight for a fair settlement. Through Beck & Beck's dedicated counsel, we’ll help you by: 

  • Filing a claim within Nebraska’s statute of limitations.
  • Investigating your case and gathering supportive evidence.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies. 
  • Managing the pre-trial discovery process
  • Representing you in court